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New Office Space 2020 (again!)

Over the past five years, I've had several different places I've conducted my business. Today's video shows each of those places, and reveals the newest office setup!

Before I reveal the new spaces, let's take a quick jog down memory lane; passed all the different little places I've made videos and grown (and almost closed!) my business.

Home Office One

Back in 2015, I used a spare bedroom as an office space. I was fully involved with the Helena Bighorns Hockey Club back then, and I hung my hockey jerseys up all around me. As I continued to add to my gear stock pile, I'd keep the boxes and put them on a shelf next to my desk. It's so crazy to see footage that I worked with from back then- I've learned SO MUCH in 5 years!

Home Office Two

In 2017, I moved into a one bedroom apartment in Downtown Helena, where for the next three months, I played around with a couple of different setups. I went from editing on my kitchen counter and eventually to a desk in the corner of the living room. BUT, I hit a snag- it's a tiny apartment, you see... and working that close to where I sleep, eat and relax became a very big problem. I felt like I lived in the same place I worked, or vise versa; both are true. I needed out! That's when I found the first of two co-working spaces SocialFlixx would spend it's time, called TopFloor!

TopFloor Coworking, Office One

By June of 2017, my business was really taking off, and since moving into a two-person office space in TopFloor, I needed to hire help! Wade Bratlien had already done some work for me and would eventually return to school that fall. I spent the winter and most of the Spring of 2018 in that tiny little spot, and I loved it! But, business was picking back up again, so I hired Sonja, my first full-time employee! We made the most of that space for only another few months. In early August of that year, we moved to the corner office just across the hall.

TopFloor Coworking, Office Two

This space was EPIC! Two of the four walls were HUGE windows that looked out over a park in Downtown Helena. This was a formative time for my company. In this space, I grew from two-person team to 4 at one point! Sonja, Ryan and eventually Woodie and Leann rounded a killer group of creatively driven folks that moved the business forward in many ways. We were packed with work coming, and we explored all kinds of content for our clients as well as ourselves. If you followed SocialFlixx on social media at all during this time, you'll remember all the fun we had while working hard for our clients. Unfortunately, the work began to dry up (my fault), and we would eventually need to cut costs. That's when SocialFlixx moved down the street to the second of co-working buildings, The Sidecar.

The Sidecar, Office One

In January of this year, SocialFlixx moved to The Sidecar, a co-working space dedicated to helping other creative-minded folks grow their businesses. The worst part about this move was it simply wasn't enough to cut the costs of office rent from TopFloor; I'd also have to let go of my staff. So here I was, in this space intended for the three of us, and everyday being reminded of my own missteps that led to a nearly empty office. So when a couple of smaller offices opened up just down the hall, I jumped at the chance to move into them.

The Sidecar, Office Two

Moving into these smaller spaces allowed for the realization of a long-time dream of mine: to have a spot intended only for editing, free of distraction, and another where I could have an operations base that would double as a YouTube studio. So, over the 4th of July break, I painted the walls, added some cool white-brick wall stickers and got my new offices up and running!

Looking to the Future

Business ownership has its ups and downs. You learn from your mistakes and move forward with those lessons in mind. Since moving into these new spots in The Sidecar, I've seen my productivity blossom and my creativity really taking flight! I don't know if I'll ever hire again, but if I do, they can have their own offices; I'm not sure I'll ever this spot! (to be continued...)

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